We know how difficult divorces can be and we’re here to help

Divorce Services


    Divorce is the dissolution of a marriage. There can be many aspects involved in a divorce such as child custody, visitation and parenting time, child support, alimony, equitable distribution (distribution of assets and debts), etc. Once the divorce is finalized, you are legally single.


    Contested Divorce: The spouses do not have a settlement for all of the issues in their divorce (such as custody, parenting time, child support, alimony, equitable distribution, etc). They must go through the full divorce process (discovery, ESP, mediation, intensive settlement conference, Trial) until they either (1) reach an agreement for all issues in their divorce, or (2) have the Court decide and issue an Order at the conclusion of a Trial as to those issues.

    Uncontested Divorce: The parties have resolved and reached an agreement as to all aspects of their divorce.


    In New Jersey, marital property is not always divided equally (50/50). Marital assets are divided in a fair but not necessarily equal manner during equitable distribution.


    In New Jersey, it is possible to get divorced from a spouse who is missing or in hiding. All necessary locating measures and resources must be exhausted before the divorce can move forward. Once the other party is successfully served, even if he or she refuses to file a response to the Complaint for Divorce, Default may be entered against the other party and Default Hearing is scheduled (divorce hearing). If the other party cannot be served, but the Court is satisfied that everything has been done to serve the other party with a copy of the filed Complaint for Divorce, Default may be entered against the other party and a Default Hearing is scheduled (divorce hearing).